Saturday, December 29, 2007

Is there Scientific Proof of the Book of Mormon?

I cannot tell you how many times I have received this same question. As well as the kind words that Elder Ballard has mentioned here in this You Tube Video; I would caution those that ask this question to judge the Bible on the same standard from an Athiestic point of view. Can one PROVE without a shadow of doubt that Jesus rose from the dead, and accended to his father. A book unto itself cannot prove anything. It is ones faith in the accuracy of that information as testified by the Holy Ghost.


Unknown said...

I love these clips by Elder Ballard addressing so many aspects of the Mormon religion. I have them on my blog too.

Unknown said...

I blogged about this very topic:

I put returns in so you could see the whole URL. But this is an excellent point you make. Archaeological proof of the Book of Mormon is nowhere nearly as important as praying about the Gospel principles, practices and precepts within its pages.

Wer62 said...

Thank you so much for your comments. It means a lot to me. I appologize for being so busy right now trying to win an election. I did review your page and WOW you have been busy. Your blog is what I hope mine will become someday. Till then, thank you again for your support. I will prusue and account so I can comment on a few of your posts but it will be after the April 8th general election here.


Unknown said...

Without faith we have nothing. Without faith there is no way to gain knowledge.