Monday, March 12, 2007

If We Can't Laugh At Ourselves, We Have No Humor

Most people are aware there is a Mormon running for President. I thought this might be a humorous way to look at ourselves while in the public spotlight. Somtimes one needs to reflect inward and laugh with the crowd.

Top Ten Reasons to Vote for a Mormon President

10) The National Cathedral could be renamed the National Tabernacle.

9) NASA could commission a satellite to "hie to Kolob".

8) The Secret Service could be renamed the Sacred Service.

7) All official government prayers could include the phrase "that we all can get home safely".

6) Napoleon Dynamite could get someone other than Pedro elected.

5) The President could not only explain things in Layman's terms, but also in Lemuel's terms.

4) The President could issue pardons in exchange for 100% home teaching.

3) Not only could he pronounce "Nuclear" but also "Mahonri, Moriancumer" and "Maher Shalal Hash Baz".

2) At his inauguration he would swear on the Bible "as far as it is translated correctly".

1) Finally a first family large enough to fill up the White House.


Unknown said...

Oh that made me giggle. Thank you so much. I found your blog via a like interest in my profile -- Hugh Nibley. I'm so delighted to have found your blog.

If you're interested, please drop by my blog and find the LDS Blogs Webring and click on Join. We'd love to have you aboard.

Unknown said...

Please start posting on this blog again. I absolutely love your posts.

Anonymous said...

number #2 was so funny! :)

Wer62 said...


I will start posting again but it is going to be a few weeks down the road. I am in the middle of a campaign for city councilman in my community. That is taking a great deal of my time.

Thank you for your kind comments I have enjoyed reading them as well as some of your blog posts. You are a well seasoned writer. I am hoping to publish a book and could use your advice with that time comes. I will definitely stay in touch.


Shellie said...

Thank you for the laughter! Once you can write again, tell us what you think of the PBS Special. :)

Wer62 said...


Absolutely.. I will do my best to follow up on your request. I have the PBS special recorded and burned to DVD.. I have reviewed it but have not put anything in writing. Although has a couple of artcles concerning the PBS special, I could post links to those if you would like?

Let me know...


Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...

I loved #2 & #7! FUNNY!

Unknown said...

Just dropped by to wish you Merry Christmas. Are you still checking this blog?

Shellie said...

Thanks for the laughs and hope the campaign goes well. Merry Christmas!

Wer62 said...

Candace & Shellie,

Merry Christmas and yep.. Still checking the blog.